Tuesday, April 25, 2006

Chips or crisps, whatever you want to call them they are still POISON!!

The family of potato-chip snacks is vast and there are an abundance of flavors to choose from, but as with everything in the popular food-chain you must beware of poison. For the most part potato chips had been a relatively safe product until their growth in poularity in the early 1980's.
In fact the safety of potato chips was the anti-poison lobby's number one priority in the late 1970's and early 1980's, and was an operation second in size only to the criminalisation of BVO in the European soda manufacturing industry, a mission they unfortunatley failed to complete succesfully. It was, at first difficult for 'Them' to contaminate the potatoe chip, until the advent of genetic engineering, when it became far too easy.

There are some safe chips and crisps, but we will discuss those later.

The first danger you must be on the look out for is 'rBGH' or 'Recombinant Bovine Growth Hormone'.

Be warned that the three types of potato chips (pictured above) contain rBGH and should not be consumed as they are poison. Also any potato chip that is similar in construction, regardless of brandname are also poison.

(I will not discuss too much about rBGH, as there will be a later post devoted to this subject)

Almost all potato chips are poison with only three brand-name exceptions and any potato chip made from a completely organic potato crop. (Anything else is poison!!)

How is the potatoe crop tampered with?

Potatoes are genetically engineered with DNA from an insect called the Wax Moth, and with the DNA of a bacillus called Thuringiensis. This means that the potatoes seeded from the altered ones can, in effect, produce their own internal pesticide. Of course, once the pesticide is 'inside' ALL the potatoes which are grown, then if it proves harmful to humans or mutates in any other way, ALL potatoes will be useless as food. Humans will then have created a 'repeat' of the Irish Potato Famine on a massive, world-wide scale; and it will be irreversible this time!

And while we are on the subject of potatoes,, the following products are also poison for the same reason:

Oven chips, frozen chips, potatoe waffles, 'take-away' chips, potato crisps (called "chips" in America), canned and packet soups (especially larger amounts in "Scotch Broth"), canned meat stew, "Cornish Pasties", potato dumplings ( in Germanic & Nordic countries), potato pancakes (in Ireland "Boxty Pancakes"), potato bread, potato scones.

http://www.iol.ie/~plugin/badfoods.htm#11) check out all the poison!!!!!

And finally, what is safe out there?

Worldwide only three brands of potatoe chips are SAFE: Pictured above are Lays, Walkers, and Pringles. All of these chips are under the control of the anti-poison lobby and are safe, however only Pringles contain any antidote.


Blogger SushiLvr said...

I believe Pringles contain MALTODEXTRIN. I have also heard otherwise, that they are one of the most unsafe of the chips. Just sayin'...

1:41 PM  

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