Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The list of poisonous food is long and complex; 'But do not despair'!!
There are also many un-contaminated and safe food products out there, and even so far as being many products that are supplied by a mysterious anti-poison lobby. The anti-poison lobby, (as I call them) on the face of it have introduced products into the food-chain that are not poison. I also believe that these products are composed of small amounts of the antidote to the poison, however the antidote itself is a deadly poison that causes all cancers.

(From now on we will refer to poison food as 'poison' and uncontaminated food simply as 'safe').

The level of antidote needed will be relative to the amount of 'safe' you introduce into your diet, and how much poison you eradicate.

(Obviously it is advised that you cut ALL 'poison' from your diet)

To help put you on the road to enlightenment and a poison free life I will advise you of just a few 'safe' and 'poison'.

McDonald's Egg: All and any egg product from McDonald's, apart from,(and this is very important) any eggs that may be used in the manufacture of scones, pancakes and mayonnaise.
The egg in a McDonald's breakfast and all eggs that appear in burgers and muffins is poison, always dispose of it before partaking in your meal.

DO NOT try and avoid the egg by having them take it out of your order as this will alert 'Them' that we are aware of the 'poison'; this may cause them to move the 'poison' to another product and will waste years of investigation.

dispose of the poison yourself'

(McDonald's egg is believed to be on the 'Poison Forever' list, but we will discuss this at a later date.

The following breakfast cereals are 'safe':
(this list does not constitute ALL 'safe' breakfast cereals, it is only believed that the contents of this list is 'safe').

Cornflakes: All brands of cornflakes are safe, Kellogs cornflakes used to be poison from 1924 - 1942 and then 1946-1984. It was in 1984 that it was decided that cornflakes were almost obsolete because of the introduction of 'breakfast cereal variety' in the early 1980's. Once cereals containing fruit, sugar and even chocolate appeared on the supermarket shelves it was decided that cornflakes remaining 'poison' was a waste of resource.

(Therefore they are now safe)

Rice Crispies and all 'rice crispy' type breakfast cereals are safe.

Shredded wheat, oatmeal and all wheat based breakfast cereals are safe.

(We believe in the existence of a 'safe' Muesli, but we do not know which one it is, so until further notice, ALL muesli is poison).

Bananas are safe.

All melon, apart from watermelon is safe.

Watermelon is POISON.

This should be enough for now, and in case you were wondering, what with all that cereal: Only FULL-FAT milk is safe, skimmed (fat-free) and semi-skimmed is poison.

For you coffee drinkers, half and half (and obviously coffee) is safe.


Blogger SushiLvr said...

Wow! Your blog is amazing!! I've been trying to tell my close friends this for years. It is the dumbing down of society on a daily basis and the average person is too blind to recognize it. The sheeple just toss the box into their shopping cart without thinking twice or READING THE LABEL. I've been calling the 800 number listed on the back of every package I encounter that contains MALTODEXTRIN (POISON) to alert them I'm aware of this atrocity. Funny thing that maltodextrin was originally used for items that are supposed to taste sweet; as an artificial sweetener. Now you see MALTODEXTRIN listed on products whose first (and most abundant) ingredient is sugar. Why??? Incidentally, one of those products is Hills Bros. Cappuccino coffee line.

Thank you for your hard work.

1:38 PM  

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