Tuesday, April 25, 2006

The 'Fast-Food Chain conundrum!

The Fast-Food restaurant has been part of all our lives for a very long time now; and in a continually growing population that is more firmly in the grip of the capitalist nightmare as each day goes by, the fast-food chain thrives.

There are so many out there, and so many of them are unknown to us, so here you will only be advised of the franchises that we have knowledge of. Any restaurants NOT featured in this information should be considered poison and avoided at all costs.

Colonel Harland Sanders, born September 9, 1890, actively began franchising his chicken business at the age of 65. Now, the KFC business he started has grown to be one of the largest and most popular fast food restaurants in the world. And even the image of Colonel Sanders has become a symbol of, (some may think) entrepreneurial spirit. But I believe it represents the very worst of what we put into ourselves.

KFC was originally a very safe product; Colonel Sanders recipe was simply scrummy, and it was on its superb taste alone, and not the infection of poison that made it so popular so quickly.


Poison free KFC ended in October 1986 when PepsiCo, Inc. who purchased the brand for $840 million from R.J. Reynolds Industries, Inc. ( who themselves had acquired KFC in 1982 after R.J Reynolds seized its owners, Heublein Inc. in an aggressive takeover).
It was in 1986 that PepsiCo, Inc. Announced the formation of an an independent restaurant company, Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc.

With the formation of Tricon Global Restaurants, Inc. came the infamous 'Big 4'. Taco Bell, Pizza Hut, Long John Silvers and our old frien KFC are four major players, all following the same game plan, crafted by the same hand in feeding the world poison. All of the Big 4 are poison, it is even advised; and one may even say it would be considered prudent if you did not even step foot in any of their restaurants.

Before we move on to other fast food restaurants, just a few parting words about KFC; Even if KFC wasn't poison you still shouldn't eat it. Any KFC I have ever seen has always been dripping in so much grease it makes me feel sick, I even heard there was this one dude who got 3000 miles out of his Trans-Am on just a family bucket.(Its only an urban legend and I cannot confirm if there is any truth in the story, even though I wish it was).

The following is taken from www.kentuckyfriedcruelty.com

What's the problem with KFC? Chickens raised for KFC suffer from the day they are born until the day they are killed, and KFC has refused to make the minimal changes recommended by its own animal welfare advisors to prevent the worst types of cruelty in suppliers' factory farms and slaughterhouses. Imagine what life is like for KFC chickens—if you're a breeder chicken, your sensitive beak is burned off shortly after you're born, and the pain is so great that many around you starve to death because they can't bear to take food into their raw, bloody mouths. If you're one of the 850 million chickens killed by KFC for meat each year, you spend your short life confined to a filthy shed with tens of thousands of other chickens—the shed isn't cleaned, and the smell of ammonia and rotting excrement is so heavy that it burns your lungs with every breath. You've been bred and drugged to grow so obese that you can hardly walk, and you watch as others become crippled under their own weight and die of thirst just a few inches away from the water nozzle. After only a few weeks of life, you are slammed into a crate and trucked over many miles through all weather extremes without food or water to the slaughterhouse. There you are hung upside-down and your throat is cut while you cry out in terror and struggle to escape. If you don't lose consciousness in time, you'll still be alive when you're dragged through the scalding water of the defeathering tanks.

people people open your eyes; even if KFC wasn't poison, it would still be poison!!!

We have already discussed McDonalds in previous posts, but here we shall get some clarification on the whole McDonalds safety question. OK, it breaks down like this: McDonalds is safe, everything on the expansive menu is perfectly safe. There are two exception to this; one is of course McDonalds Egg, other than that the other is McDonalds french-fries as these contain rBGH (artificial bovine growth hormone), its what makes the fries fluffy on the inside and is quite obviously poison.

We shall discuss the use of rBGH in later posts.

I know what you are thinking, 'But its all crap', and you would be right it is crap; but it is safe nevertheless.

Burger king is safe, eat as much as you like - no restrictions.

All other fast food restaurants must be considered poison, even the smallest of franchises local or national. Not enough is known about them for us to be sure, so following the rules; when in doubt, then its poison.

There is one other fast food restaurant that is completely safe, but we are talking about it last because not only is it safe, but it is also run by the anti-poison lobby and is a key distributor of antidote.

And that is Wendy's :

Visit www.wendys.com and familiarizese yourselves with the wonders and culinary delights of Wendy's, the only fast-food restaurant to supply antidote.


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